I have a saying hanging on my wall — I am not sure who wrote it but it says it all–
If you are thinking about getting a dog, visit your local Rescue or Shelter. April 30 is the National ‘Adopt a Shelter Pet Day!’
I currently have 4 rescue animals — 2 dogs and 2 cats. If you have a specific breed in mind to adopt, you can usually find a rescue center that specializes in that breed (Labrador rescue, Pitbull rescue, etc). There is something special about saving a life and shelters are the best places to find adorable loving animals. Our Hope is a perfect example. She was set to be put to sleep until our local rescue saved her.
Meet the Shelter / Rescue Animals of Doggie Couture
Lucy was from a local rescue who’s a lab mix and about 45-50 lbs, and is such an angel! She loves to run in our backyard and chase the birds. Here’s her story. One cold morning, Cyrus (my child) woke up and insisted we go help dogs that day. So we went out and found a local rescue. We brought them some supplies and saw Lucy in a cage. Cyrus asked if we could walk her and they said yes, so we walked her around the neighborhood until we said goodbye. A few days later, I saw a post on Instagram that Lucy was the only dog at the rescue that did not have a place to go for the Holidays. Long story short, it was the afternoon of Christmas Eve when Lucy came home. We all fell in love with her sweet, gentle heart. She’s now our fur-ever dog!

The day we met Lucy and walked her.
Maggie was a farm cat that had been picked up as a 6 week old kitten by a Hawk. She has no use of her back legs and not much feeling waist down. But don’t tell her she can’t do what every other cat can do. As a kitten, she was crazy. She would climb all the way to the top of the curtains, but now she just flies down the steps. Even though she has her limitations, she is all cat!

Sweet Lucy laying with little Maggie.
— is a chihuahua mix. We got her so Cyrus would have a little dog he could carry around. He used to carry Max but he was getting pretty old and sick (at the time we thought he wasn’t going to live, he lived another year and made it to 18). My mom and sister were both getting little dogs so he wanted one too. One day, we were walking into a Petmart, one that we never go to as it’s not closest to us but for some reason — we went to that one. My sister and Cyrus walked up to the rescue outside the door and asked about a little dog. Enter Hope… She came home that day! This little dog is always cold and loves to lay in the sun or by the fireplace. She goes everywhere with us and is such a nice dog with a huge heart!

Hope modeling for us.
Our newest addition. He is not even a year old yet truly adorable and loves Cyrus! Rowdy sits with him all the time (when he is not being crazy). I have never seen a cat eat more than this one! We got him from our vet’s office looking for a home. She works with local shelters and adopts a lot of animals to good homes. We had just lost Max and I guess we needed a little more cat love!

Rowdycat being rowdy.