Thanksgiving Day…What are you Thankful for?
Thanksgiving is a day to remind us to be Thankful and to think about all the good things in our lives. We should do this more often …well like every day… but do we? We often don’t really think about something or think about being thankful for it until it is gone.
We have had quite a year. I have to say I am ready for it to be over. It has been a year of ups and downs. First a quick look at the downs (always best to end on a happy note right?). We lost my dad in February unexpectedly. Nothing has been the same since. Even though most of the time it is hard… we still have to look around us and be Thankful. Thankful we have God. Thankful we have Mom. Thankful we have family. Thankful we have our precious dogs (and cats).
We are heading into a season that is going to be hard without him but we have to remember the good things we still have. Thanksgiving was his favorite holiday. For the past 25 years I received that morning call checking on the turkey and then of course making the gravy for him to smother everything on his plate with. We couldn’t bear it this year so we escaped. I am thankful for the escape. We came down to Key West and decided to skip life for the week. No Turkey…No Gravy… Just sunshine, a pool, shrimp, and stone crab (and maybe a little wine). And of course our 3 littlest dogs. In a few days we will be back to reality .. .but for a few days we can be thankful for each other.. .and thankful for an escape!
My family farm this past year has changed to where it is unrecognizable. A four lane now runs through where the house used to be. Just looks like modernization and population increases caught up with the quietness of yesterday. I lost my 18 year old cat Max this year. It is hard to believe how long he had been with me and the parts of my life he shared. There was definitely an emptiness in the house without him. Chico is a bit sicker with his heart getting worse and suffering some seizures. Ok…enough of the downs.
Time to look at the good things..
We got our dog store. My dream came true. I have always wanted to own a dog store. We got a very cool new cat named Rowdy who is the most awesome little kitten ever! We did rebuild a pretty little house off the road near the lake with a pretty view. Chico is still with us and doing ok. We have each other and for even just a few days…we can escape to paradise. In the next month we have one of the greatest seasons to celebrate. Be Thankful for what you still have and what is yet to come!