Thanks for taking the time to read this. We (Cyrus and Cindi) have owned Doggie Couture Shop since 2018. We bought it from the original owner who lived in New York. She built the store and owned it for over 10 years. My dream has always been to own and operate a pet merchandise store. We approached her in 2017 and came to terms on the deal in 2018.
I initially thought do a store front but rent is so super expensive and Covid hit so online remained the focus. Down the road we would like to get out in the community and be more active but we are still trying to build on what we have. So long story short…
We have struggled getting google verified. If you know a little about online …. that is extremely important to show up on the first pages of searches. They keep denying it since it did not match the original location. Plus its a bit hard to spell and say… Right? So we worked with our marketing team and found a new domain we liked and decided to switch it over to pawswithfashion.com.
All the old links will still work as we will continue to keep doggiecoutureshop.com as our domain. It will just transfer you over to the new one…
Thanks for being our customers… we will continue to try to deliver the best customer service we can and help you out with any pet needs! We are working on a couple of exciting expansions on our site including kitty korner and Sports Shop so stay tuned and thanks for shopping with us!
Cindi and Cyrus