What is your dog's name? How big is your dog? Small (up to 25 lbs.) Medium (25 to 50 lbs.) Large (over 50 lbs.) Does your dog have allergies? Yes No Skip this step What is your dog allergic to? Beef Chicken Wheat Other Please Specify: Is your dog pure breed or mixed breed Pure Breed Mixed Breed What breed is your dog? When is your dog birthday or adoption day? Subscriptions $30 - Pack of Fun (bones, Treats, Chews and a novelty item) $35 - Yapper Snapper Pack (Clothing/Accessories plus treats/toys, 2 - 3 items in box) $50 - Pampered Pooch Pack (bones, treats, chews, a novelty item and clothes or accessory item) Make your dog even more Pampered with adding additional items to your monthly pack. Toy ($9.00) Treats ($9) Grooming ($12.00) Or, Don't add anything By clicking this we will contact you shortly after checkout with additional questions about your dog to customize your pack just for you If you choose not to have your box customized and just want surprised each month then click next.  By clicking Next you agree to our terms. Yes, I want to signup for a newsletter Yes, I’d like to get extra customization Email Send